Providing advice to the government on the formulation and implementation of necessary policies for the development of water resources for the purpose of micro-irrigation development;
Introduction of mechanized farming methods and use of power pumps for irrigation;
Providing irrigation facilities through installation of deep, shallow and manual tube wells;
To implement national agricultural policies, programs and projects through maximum utilization of own resources for socio-economic development of the country;
Ensuring the supply of agricultural inputs (seeds, fertilisers, irrigation facilities, etc.) at fair prices to farmers in competitive markets and developing agricultural market management to eliminate problems arising at the farmer level due to the privatization of the input distribution system;
Training farmers on providing micro-irrigation facilities, improving irrigation management, expanding irrigation and improving irrigation efficiency;
Water resource surveys, water quality testing and information services;
Development of water resources and implementation of On Farm Water Management program for micro irrigation development;
Appraisal and direction of short, medium and long term projects for increasing irrigated area;
And Implementation of irrigation management in integrated and regional agricultural development and provision of emergency services in irrigation management.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS